
What were your wildest dreams as a child?- My wildest dream as a child was to live "somewhere that's green" with a red barn and horses in the northwest. I felt and dreamed this in my sleep. Then I forgot about the dream until after it came true. I was reading in my mothers journal. She had recorded my dream when I was a child. Now I need a new dream. My wildest dream now..is to write children's books.
I asked my granny what words of advice she has for posterity. She said "don't wish for nothing. You will only be disappointed." I was surprised because her grandmother had taught her children to dream. I grew up knowing what I wanted, believing and seeing my prayers answered. Thank you mom and dad. The book of Abraham is about 'how to receive'. That we are not helpless victims and can solve problems. This is not something I can preach because at times there are real dilemmas in life. But the options and possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it's definitely green around here, and we've got a barn and horses. It's a great area, to be sure. And childrens books! That sounds like fun. :D

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